Alejandro Juárez Escario

Tècnic Investigació

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Dades personals

Categoria: Tècnic Investigació

Adreça: ETSEA, Edifici Principal B, despatx 1.18

Telèfon: +34 973 702852

Fax: +34 973 702690


Formació Acadèmica

· Doctor per la Universitat de Lleida (2016)
· Licenciado en Biologia (2007)
· Licenciado en Bioquímica (2004)
· Técnico Superior en Laboratori d'Anàlisi i Control Qualitat (2018)


Experiència Professional

· 2025- actualitat: Tècnic Investigació. Departament Ciencia i Enginyeria Forestal i Agrícola. ETSEAFiV. Universitat de Lleida.

· 2011-2025: Tècnic Suport a la Docència. Departament de Producció Vegetal i Ciència Forestal. ETSEA. Universitat de Lleida.

· 2009-2011: Investigador en formació. Projecte de recerca: Biologia i estratègies d’invasio de les plantes exòtiques en sistemes agrícoles i la seva resposta al maneig. Departament d’Hortofructicultura, Botànica i Jardineria. Universitat de Lleida

· 2007-2008: Professor associat en la unitat de botànica del dept. Biologia Animal, Vegetal i Ecologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Area de coneixement: Botànica. Assignatures impartides: Botànica (Llicenciatura Biologia), Biologia Animal i Vegetal (Llicenciatura Biotecnologia)

· 2006-2007: Tècnic de laboratori en estudi de contaminació de sóls per metalls pesats a Terol i Tarragona. Projecte MESTRAL “Fitorrestauración de suelos contaminados por radionucleidos”. (finançador: ENRESA). Departament de Fisiología Vegetal. Universitat de Barcelona.

Publicacions Recents

López C, Zanga D, Juárez-Escario A, Muñoz P, Eizaguirre M. Parental effects of Bt toxin and vitamin A on Helicoverpa armigera. PLoS One. 2022 Jul 6;17(7):e0269585.

Lee Marina S.; Ardanuy Agnès; Juárez-Escario Alejandro; Albajes Ramon. Sampling and selection of butterfly indicators for general surveillance of genetically modified maize in north-east Spain. Ecological Indicators, 124,  2021, 107380.

Valencia-Gredilla, F.; Royo-Esnal, A.; Juárez-Escario, A.; Recasens, J. Different Ground Vegetation Cover Management Systems to Manage Cynodon dactylon in an Irrigated Vineyard. Agronomy 2020, 10, 908

Gemma Clemente-Orta, Filipe Madeira, Iván Batuecas, Samuel Sossai, Alejandro Juárez-Escario, Ramon Albajes, Changes in landscape composition influence the abundance of insects on maize: The role of fruit orchards and alfalfa crops, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 291, 2020, 106805.

Recasens, J., Juárez-Escario, A., Baraibar, B., Solé-Senan, X.O. (2020). The Arable Flora of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems in the Iberian Peninsula: Current Status, Threats and Perspectives. In: Hurford, C., Wilson, P., Storkey, J. (eds) The Changing Status of Arable Habitats in Europe. Springer, Cham.

Gabriel Pérez, Cristina Chocarro, Alejandro Juárez, Julià Coma, Evaluation of the development of five Sedum species on extensive green roofs in a continental Mediterranean climate, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 48, 2020, 126566.

González-Moreno P, Lazzaro L, Vilà M, Preda C, Adriaens T, Bacher S, Brundu G, Copp GH, Essl F, García-Berthou E, Katsanevakis S, Moen TL, Lucy FE, Nentwig W, Roy HE, Srėbalienė G, Talgø V, Vanderhoeven S, Andjelković A, Arbačiauskas K, Auger-Rozenberg M-A, Bae M-J, Bariche M, Boets P, Boieiro M, Borges PA, Canning-Clode J, Cardigos F, Chartosia N, Cottier-Cook EJ, Crocetta F, D’hondt B, Foggi B, Follak S, Gallardo B, Gammelmo Ø, Giakoumi S, Giuliani C, Fried G, Jelaska LS, Jeschke JM, Jover M, Juárez-Escario A, Kalogirou S, Kočić A, Kytinou E, Laverty C, Lozano V, Maceda-Veiga A, Marchante E, Marchante H, Martinou AF, Meyer S, Michin D, Montero-Castaño A, Morais MC, Morales-Rodriguez C, Muhthassim N, Nagy ZA, Ogris N, Onen H, Pergl J, Puntila R, Rabitsch W, Ramburn TT, Rego C, Reichenbach F, Romeralo C, Saul W-C, Schrader G, Sheehan R, Simonović P, Skolka M, Soares AO, Sundheim L, Tarkan AS, Tomov R, Tricarico E, Tsiamis K, Uludağ A, van Valkenburg J, Verreycken H, Vettraino AM, Vilar L, Wiig Ø, Witzell J, Zanetta A, Kenis M (2019) Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species. NeoBiota 44: 1-25.

Juárez-Escario, A; Solé-Senan XO; Recasens J; Taberner, A; Conesa, JA. Long-term compositional and funcional changes in alien and native weed communities in annual and perennial irrigated crops. Annals of Applied Biology. 173, pp. 42 - 54. 2018.

Solé-Senan X.; Robleño I.; Juárez-Escario A.; Conesa J.A.; Recasens J. Using the response-effect trait framework to disentangle the effects of agricultural intensification on the provision of ecosystem services of Mediterranean arable plants. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 247, pp. 255 - 264. 2017.

Juárez-Escario A; Conesa JA; Solé-Senan OX. Management as a driver of functional patterns and alien species prominence in weed communities of irrigated orchards in Mediterranean areas. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 249, pp. 247 - 255. 2017.

Juárez-Escario, A.; Conesa, J.A; Solé-Senan, X.O. Identifying alien plants linkages between irrigated orchards and adjacent riparian habitats from a trait-based approach. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 225, pp.173 - 183. 2016.

Bevilacqua P; Coma J; Pérez G; Chocarro C; Juárez A; Solé C; De Simone M; Cabeza LF. Plant cover and florístic composition: effect on thermal behaviour of extensive green roofs. Building and Environment. 92, pp.305 - 316. 2015.

Atanackovic V; Juárez-Escario A; Recasens J; Torra J.A survey of Lolium rigidum populations in citrus orchards: Factors explaining infestation levels. Weed Biology And Management. 15 - 3, pp. 122 - 131. 2015.

Sole-Senan XO; Juarez-Escario A; Conesa JA; Torra J; Royo-Esnal A; Recasens J. Plant diversity in Mediterranean cereal fields: Unraveling the effect of landscape complexity on rare arable plants. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 185, pp. 221 - 230. 2014.

Juárez-Escario A; Valls J; Solé-Senan XO; Conesa JA. A plant-traits approach to assessing the success of alien weed species in irrigated Mediterranean orchards. Annals of Applied Biology. 162 - 2, pp. 200 - 213. 2013.

Reiné R.; Barrantes O.; Chocarro C.; Juárez A.; Broca A.; Maestro M.; Ferrer C.Pyrenean meadows in Natura 2000 network: grass production and plant biodiversity conservation. Spanish Journal Of Agricultural Research. 12 - 1, pp. 61 - 77.

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