Paul Christou
Professor Investigador (ICREA)
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Position: Professor Investigador (ICREA)
Area of expertise: Biotecnologia
Address: ETSEA, Edifici Principal A
Phone: +34 973 702831
Personal Website:
University degrees
· Llicenciat en Ciències, Universitad de Londres, Chelsea College, UK, 1977
· Doctorat, Universitat de Londres, University College, UK, 1980
Previous activities
· 2004-actualitad, Investigador ICREA, Universitat de Lleida
· 2001-2004, Profesor, Fraunhofer Institute of Molecular Biotechnology and Applied Ecology, Schmallenberg, Aachen, Alemania
· 1998 – 1994, Profesor i Responsable de l'Unitad de Biotecnología, John Innes Centre, UK
· Biotecnologia aplicada a la obtención de cereales resistentes al estrés abiótico como sequía y salinidad.
· TECNOLOGIES GENÈTIQUES, GENÒMIQUES I DE TRANSFORMACIÓ GENÈTICA | Màster Universitari en Millora Genètica Vegetal (Reverificació 12-13) |
Recent Publications
Capell T, Twyman RM, Armario-Najera V, Ma JKC, Schillberg S, Christou P (2020) Potential applications of plant biotechnology against SARSCoV-2. Trends in Plant Science,
Moreno JA, Díaz-Gómez J, Fuentes-Font L, Angulo E, Gosálvez LF, Sandmann G, Portero-Otin M, Capell T, Zhu C, Christou P, Nogareda C (2020) Poultry diets containing (keto)carotenoid-enriched maize improve egg yolk color and maintain quality Animal Feed Science and Technology 206:114334-114344
Jin X, Baysal C, Gao L, Medina V, Drapal M, Ni X, Sheng Y, Shi L, Capell T, Fraser PD, Christou P, Zhu C. (2019) The subcellular localization of two isopentenyl diphosphate isomerases in rice suggests a role for the endoplasmic reticulum in isoprenoid biosynthesis" Plant Cell Reports Nov 2. doi: 10.1007/s00299-019-02479-x.
Banakar R, Fernandez AA, Zhu C, Abadia J, Capell T, Christou P (2019) The ratio of phytosiderophores nicotianamine to deoxymugenic acid controls metal homeostasis in rice Planta 250:1339-1354 doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03230-2
Mir-Artigues P, Twyman RM, Alvarez D, Cerda-Bennasser P, Balcells M, Christou P, Capell T (2019) A simplified techno-economic analysis of molecular pharming Biotechnology and Bioingenieering 116:2526-2539 doi: 10.1002/bit.27093.
Diaz Benito P, Banakar R, Rodriguez-Menendez S, Capell T, Pereiro R, Christou P, Abadía J, Fernández B, Álvarez-Fernández A (2018) Iron and zinc in the embryo and endosperm of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds in contrasting 2’-deoxymugineic acid/nicotianamine scenarios Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01190
Zanga D, Sanahuja G, Eizaguirre M, Albajes R, Christou P, Capell T, Fraser P, Gerrisch C, López C (2018) Carotenoids moderate the effectiveness of a Bt gene against the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis PlosOne 13(7):e0199317. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199317. eCollection 2018.
Vamvaka E, Farré G, Molinos-Albert LM, Evans A, Canela-Xandri A, Twyman RM, Carrillo J, ordoñez RA, Shattock R, O’Keefe BR, Clotet B, Blanco J, Khush GS, Christou P, Capell T (2018) Unexpected synergistic HIV neutralization by a trile microbicide produced in rice endosperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci of USA 115: E7854-E7862
Pérez L, E Soto, G. Villorbina, L Bassie, V Medina, P Muñoz, T Capell, C Zhu, P Christou, G Farré (2018) CRISPR/Cas9-induced monoallelic mutations in the cytosolic AGPase large subunit gene APL2 induce the ectopic expression of APL2 and the corresponding small subunit gene APS2b in rice leaves Transgenic Research 27: 423-439
Berman U, Zorrilla-Lopez U, Sandmann G, Capell T, Christou P, Zhu C (2017) The silencing of carotenoid B-hydroxylases by RNA interference in different maize genetic backgrounds increases the b-carotene content of the endosperm. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18:2515
Díaz-GómeZ J, J.A. Moreno, E. Angulo, G. Sandmann, C. Zhu, AJ Ramos, T. Capell, P. Christou, Nogareda C (2017) High-carotenoid biofortified maize is an alternative to color additives in poultry feed Journal: Animal Feed Science and Technology 231:38-46
Banakar R, Alvarez-Fernandez A, Díaz-Benito P, Abadia J, Capell T, and Christou P (2017) Phytosiderophores determine thresholds for iron and zinc accumulation in biofortified rice endosperm while inhibiting the accumulation of cadmium J Exp Bot 68:4983-4995
Zhu C; Farre G; Zanga D; Lloveras J; Michelena A; Ferrio JP; Voltas J; Slafer GA; Savin R; Albajes R; Eizaguirre M; Lopez C; Cantero-Martínez C; Díaz-Gómez J; Nogareda C; Moreno JA; Angulo E; Estany J; Pena RN; Tor M; Portero-Otin M; Eritja N; Arjó G; Serrano JCE; Matias-Guiu X; Twyman RM; Sandmann G; Capell T; Christou P (2018) High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutrition Phytochemistry Reviews 17: 195-209
Berman, J; Zorrilla, U; Medina, V; Farré, G; Sandmann, G; Capell, T; Christou, P; Zhu, C (2017) The Arabidopsis ORANGE (AtOR) gene promotes carotenoid accumulation in transgenic corn hybrids derived from parental lines with limited carotenoid pools Plant Cell Reports 36:933-945
Diaz-Gomez J, Twyman RM, Zhu C, Farre G, Serrano JCE, Capell T, Christou P (2017) Biofortification of crops with nutrients: factors affecting utilization and storage. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 44: 115-123
Zanga D, Capell T, Slafer GA, Christou P, Savin R (2016) A carotenogenic mini-pathway introduced into white corn does not affect development or agronomic performance Scientific Reports 6: 38288
Moreno JA, Diaz-Gomez J, Nogareda C, Angulo E, Sandmann G, Portero-Otin M, Serrano JCE, Twyman RM, Capell T, Zhu C, Christou P (2016) The distribution of carotenoides in hems fed on biofortified maize is influenced by feed composition, absortion, resource allocation and storage Scientific Reports 6:35346
Bortesi, L; Zhu, C; Zischewski, J; Perez, L; Bassié, L; Nadi, R; Forni, G; Lade, S; Soto, E; Jin, X; Medina, V; Villorbina, G; Muñoz, P; Farré, G; Fischer, R; Twyman, R; Capell, T; Christou, P; Schillberg, S (2016) Patterns of CRISPR/Cas9 activity in plants, animals and microbes. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14:2203-2216
Banakar; Alvarez Fernández, Á; Abadia, J; Capell, T; Christou, P (2016) The expression of heterologous Fe (III) phytosiderophore transporter HvYS1 in rice increases Fe uptake, translocation and seed loading and excludes heavy metals by selective Fe transport. Plant Biotechnol J 15: 423-432
Zhu C, Bortesi L, Baysal C, Twyman RM, Fischer R, Capell T, Schillberg S, Christou P (2017) Characteristics of genome editing mutations in cereal crops. Trends in Plant Science 22: 38-52
Bai C., Berman J., Farre G., Capell T., Sandmann G., Christou P., Zhu C (2017) Reconstruction of the astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway in rice endosperm reveals a metabolic bottleneck at the level of endogenous β-carotene hydroxylase activity. Transgenic Research 26:13-23
Berman J, Sheng Y, Gómez Gómez L, Veiga T, Ni X, Farre G, Capell T, Guitian J, Guitian P, Sandmann G, Christou P Zhu C, (2016) Red anthocyanins and yellow carotenoids form the color of orange-flower gentian (Gentiana lutea L. var. aurantiaca) PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162410.
Breitenbach J, Nogueira M Farre G Zhu C Capell T Christou P Fleck G Fockem U Fraser PD Sandmann G (2016) Engineered maize as a source of astaxanthin: processing and application as fish feed. Transgenic Research 25: 785-739
Comas, J; Benfeitas, R; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Solsona, F; Farré, G; Berman J, Zorrilla U, Capell, T; Sandmann, G; Zhu, C; Christou, P; Alves, R (2016) Identification of line-specific strategies for improving carotenoid production in synthetic maize through data-driven mathematical modelling The Plant Journal 87: 455-471.
Vamvaka, E; Arcalis E, Ramessar, K; Evans, A; O'Keefe, B; Shattock, R; Piles, V; Stoger E, Christou, P; Capell, T (2016) Cyanovirin-N produced in rice endosperm offers effective pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV-1BaL infection in vitro Plant Cell Reports 35: 1309-1319
Farré G, Perez-Fons L, Decourcelle M, Breitenbach J, Hem S, Zhu C, T Capell, Christou P, Fraser PD, Sandmann G (2016) Metabolic engineering of astaxanthin biosynthesis in maize endosperm and characterization of a prototype high oil hybrid Trangenic Research 25:477-489
Vamvaka, E; Arcalis E, Ramessar, K; Evans, A; O'Keefe, B; Shattock, R; Piles, V; Stoger E, Christou, P; Capell, T (2016) Rice endosperm is cost effective for the production of recombinant griffithsin with potent activity against HIV . Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 1427-1437
S Ahrazem O, Rubio-Moraga A, Berman J, Capell T, Christou P, Zhu C, Gómez-Gómez L (2016) The carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase CCD2 catalysing the synthesis of crocetin in spring crocuses and saffron is a plastidial enzyme. New Phytologist 209: 650-663
Zanga, D; Capell, T; Zhu, C; Christou, P; Thangaraj, H (2016) Freedom-to-operate analysis of a transgenic multivitamin corn variety Plant Biotechnol Journal. 14: 1225-1240
Chang; S J Berman; Y Sheng; Y Wang; T Capell; L Shi; X Ni; G Sandmann; P Christou; C Zhu (2015) Cloning and functional characterization of the maize (Zea mays L.) carotenoid epsilon hydroxylase gene PLoS ONE 10(6):e0128758. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128758.
Bai, C T.Capell, J Berman, V Medina, G.Sandmann, P.Christou, C. Zhu (2016) Bottlenecks in carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation in rice endosperm are influenced by the precursor–product balance. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14:195-205
Nogareda, C; Moreno, JA; Angulo, E; Sandmann, G; Portero, M; Capell, T; Zhu, C; Christou, P (2016) Carotenoid-enriched transgenic corn delivers bioavailable carotenoids to poultry and protects them against coccidiosis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 160-168
Vamvaka E, Twyman RM, Murad A, Melnik S, Teh A, Arcalis E, Altmann F, Stoger E, Rech E, Ma J, Christou P, Capell T.(2016) A recombinant HIV-neutralizing antibody produced in rice endosperm accumulates predominantly as an aglycosylated derivative with enhanced neutralizing activity. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 97-108
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